Maple Syrup Season

March 20, 2015
Michelle, Day Hiking Ambassador With winter ending in a few days and Spring beginning we recently tapped our maple trees for this year’s maple syrup season. Each year we tap a few more trees and produce a lot more sap ending up with a plate full of pancakes and home made maple syrup. Making maple …


Michelle, Day Hiking Ambassador

With winter ending in a few days and Spring beginning we recently tapped our maple trees for this year’s maple syrup season. Each year we tap a few more trees and produce a lot more sap ending up with a plate full of pancakes and home made maple syrup.

Making maple syrup has become a favourite hobby of ours. When all of our winter activities have come to an end, tapping our maple trees allow us to use our snowshoes a few more times.

In order to get to our trees we need our snowshoes. They are scattered throughout our yard and the snow is quite deep still. Using our snowshoes allow us to break a nice trail making it easier to check and collect our sap each time.

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If you are interested in making your own maple syrup these are the basic essentials you will need to get started.

– Snowshoes

– Buckets with lids

– Spiels

– Drill with a 7/16th bit

– Hammer

– Something to store your sap in (we use carboys)


Even with the warmer days there is still so much snow in the bush that we may be able to get out for a few more snowshoe adventures before bringing out the kayaks.
