Bring It!

November 11, 2015
Stephen, Day Hiking Ambassador Bring It! Come on winter, bring on the snow! I want to get out there, come on now, let’s go! The snowshoes I ordered are finally here, I’m ready to do this, I’ve been hiking all year. I’ve got hot chocolate recipes pinned to my board, I’ve pulled out my thermos from …


Stephen, Day Hiking Ambassador

Bring It!

Come on winter, bring on the snow!
I want to get out there, come on now, let’s go!

The snowshoes I ordered are finally here,
I’m ready to do this, I’ve been hiking all year.

I’ve got hot chocolate recipes pinned to my board,
I’ve pulled out my thermos from where it was stored.

I’ve found both my mittens, now which toque should I wear?
The plain one, the pompom, or the band for my hair?

I’ve been sharing on Facebook with post after post,
That temps below freezing’s what I seek the most.

My favorites are likes now, but that is just fine,
All my followers on Twitter, they know that it’s time…

To get out there, to do it, like an expectant sprinter,
On your marks… get set… go.. now I’m #WelcomingWinter!
