1. Snowshoeing has been a form of transportation in cold climates for more than 6,000 years. The earliest North Americans used a form of foot extenders to walk across the ice bridges in the Bering Strait during their migration from Asia. Tubbs was the first brand to bring snowshoeing from pre-history into the modern era and has continuously led the industry in product development.
2. Tubbs is more than a century old; founded in 1906 in Norway, Maine, and today located in the shadow of 14,400 ft Mt. Rainier, Washington – perfect ‘product testing’ grounds for our snowshoe designs.
3. Tubbs is the world’s top selling snowshoe brand for day hiking, fitness snowshoeing and family outings.
4. Tubbs snowshoes, sleds, skis and snowshoe furniture were used on Admiral Byrd’s expedition to Antarctica.
5. Tubbs was the first brand to design and manufacturer women’s specific snowshoes and bindings in 1998.
6. Tubbs Winter Fit for Kids™ curriculum/snowshoe physical education program has been approved by the American College of Sports Medicine, and championed by American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance instructors. More than 500 schools are currently teaching snowshoeing in their PE classes to elementary, middle and high school age students across the U.S.
7. Tubbs TrailNet™ is an exclusive online directory of snowshoe destinations with over 3,500 trails across the United States and Canada – www.tubbs-trailnet.com.
8. Tubbs’ national Romp to Stomp Series® has raised nearly $1 Million for Susan G. Komen for the Cure® and its local Affiliates. See www.TubbsRomptoStomp.com to register for 2010 events.
9. According to a Tubbs commissioned study conducted by the University of Vermont, runners who substituted snowshoeing for running during the winter months actually improved their overall fitness levels compared to those who only ran.
10. The UVM study looked at two groups of runners, one that snowshoed and one that ran. Both worked out for six weeks at the same relative intensity. After the six-week training period the snowshoeing group had a significantly higher VO2 maximum and a longer time to exhaustion. The results indicated that snowshoeing may actually be better winter training for runners than running.