Christmas in October

November 7, 2015
Lyndon, Backcountry Ambassador In years past, my wife has told me that I become the Grinch around the holidays. For most, the holiday season means good food and family time. While I enjoy the food and seeing my family, the holiday season has also meant the end of hiking season and all of the things …


Lyndon, Backcountry Ambassador

In years past, my wife has told me that I become the Grinch around the holidays. For most, the holiday season means good food and family time. While I enjoy the food and seeing my family, the holiday season has also meant the end of hiking season and all of the things that come with no hiking – falling out of shape, inevitable weight gain, not really hanging out with my hiking buddies until summer and the horrible struggle to get back into “hiking shape” once spring arrived. I spent my winters waiting for the snow to melt so that my buddies and I could hit the trails again.

Last year, I decided to make a serious effort to stay in shape over the winter. I had my first long backpacking trip planned for early summer and I had to hit the ground (trails?) running once the snow melted. I thought that snowshoeing might be a good way to stay in hiking shape, but I soon figured out that all of my hiking was just a good way to get into shape for snowshoeing! By the time snowshoe season was over, I was the most fit I had been in years. It was also extremely fun and I was treated to some amazing scenery while I was out on the trail. Instead of being happy when the snow disappeared, I found myself looking forward to the next time I’d get out with my snowshoes.

Standing in line at a convenience store last week, I heard Christmas music. I was caught off guard at first and slightly annoyed by the song. I nearly took on my Grinch persona, but instead I smiled to myself. Christmas music, although October is extremely early to be playing it, means Christmas is coming. Christmas brings snow, which means snowshoe season is right around the corner.

Arriving at home that night, I had a huge goodie box from Tubbs Snowshoes waiting for me, which included my FLEX VRT snowshoes. It’s hard to describe the excitement I felt, but let’s just say, I may have started to subconsciously sing that annoying Christmas song I heard an hour earlier. Now all I need is for Tubbs to send some snow with their next shipment!