End of Season Snowshoe Care

February 5, 2025
Courtesy of Tubbs Ambassador Stephen It’s that time of year again, the snow has melted away, and you’ve shifted gears into Spring adventures. Now you’re tracking along those muddy trails remembering how beautiful and serene they looked covered in snow. Don’t worry, the mud will go away soon and those brown trails will be green …

Courtesy of Tubbs Ambassador Stephen

It’s that time of year again, the snow has melted away, and you’ve shifted gears into Spring adventures. Now you’re tracking along those muddy trails remembering how beautiful and serene they looked covered in snow. Don’t worry, the mud will go away soon and those brown trails will be green once again… But wait, don’t forget about your snowshoes!

For the most part, a good set of modern snowshoes can be tucked away after the snow has left the ground, to be pulled out again in another 6 months or so. But to ensure that they will be good to go when you are, there are few things you should take care of.

Wash your snowshoes

Spray them down outside, or in the tub, to remove any mud and/or salt that might have accumulated in late winter snowshoeing, crossing the road to the trail and back etc. Then, dry them, drip dry or with a towel. For the most part, your snowshoes are pretty resilient, but you don’t want the metal on your shoes to suffer any corrosion or tarnishing while they are stored, and it’s sure nice to have them looking shiny and new when you put them on again in the winter.

Inspection time

Make sure you didn’t do any damage to your shoes during the season before you put them away. Take a close look at the bindings and hardware, make sure that everything is working and nothing is missing, bent or cracked. Inspect the deck for punctures or tears. Check the crampons for bends or dulled teeth. Now is the time to get any issues addressed when you can’t use your snowshoes, rather than delaying the start of the next season, by finding out too late.


While your snowshoes are pretty durable, they do need to be stored appropriately. Hopefully, you have a backpack or snowshoe bag to put them in while they are kept out of site for the off season. That will keep them protected and dust free. If not, a pair of shoes can be displayed nicely or stored in a rack while not in use. Just be sure they aren’t stuffed in a back corner of your garden shed or laying out in your backyard. Sure, they could last you a lifetime, but they should be stored in a cool, dry place with no direct exposure to sunlight, and without anything lying on them, that could damage or warp them over time. If you’re like me, you proudly display your winter gear and gaze at it longingly during the summer months, waiting for the white stuff to come again soon.

By following these quick tips, your snowshoes will be ready to rock the trails with you as soon as the next season of snow begins to fly.